JCM and Java
JCM now requires Java version 5+
You need Java 5 or higher installed before you can use JCMA few new, non-essential, features make use of Java 6
JCM will not work with versions of java older than 5
Note: Java 5 is the same as J2SE 5.0 or Java version 1.5 (so 1.6 is OK, but 1.4 is not)
The applet below should indicate your Java version:
You can download an updated Java Runtime Environment for free
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Note: older versions of JCM up to 2004 only require Java 1.1
Note: To compile the source code requires Java 6 - however Java 5 can be used after commenting out a few methods
Java Cache
Java Web Start stores a cache of JCM which you can run offline.- If you accepted to store a desktop shortcut, just click to open it.
Otherwise look in control panel => java => temporary internet files => view. - If you get an error saying that the jar files are not all signed by the same key, it may be because an old copy of JCM remains in your cache - try emptying it
Other problems
(in internet explorer - look for a yellow bar at the top of the page)
Some packaging applications try to unzip any files with extension ".jar" -in this case right-click, choose "open with"...=> "java executable".